
A seafood restaurant, Skippers is a well-loved fast-food reastaurant by the community. Focusing on quality, fast seafood this restaurant is full of seafood, chower and fish & chips.
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Frying Up Something Great

After purchasing the business, Skippers new owner decided a full rebrand was needed. They rebranded their voice, logo, and packaging to support their reformatted business. I worked with them to refresh their website to reflect their new brand and ensure a seamless viewer experience.
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Built With

Clean Inner Pages

It’s impossible not to find what you’re looking for! Whether it’s the menu, their history, or the in-depth testimonails, the inner pages of Skippers is what dreams are made of.

Mobile in Mind

In line with the excellence of their company, I kept everything lightweight, fast and user-responsive to ensure visitors could see the menu with ease.
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